Soda ash, also known as sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), is an alkali chemical refined from the mineral trona or naturally occurring sodium carbonate-bearing brines (both referred to as natural soda ash), the mineral nahcolite (referred to as natural sodium bicarbonate, from which soda ash can be produced), or manufactured from one of several chemical processes (referred to as synthetic soda ash).The ashes of these sodium-rich plants were noticeably different from ashes of wood (once used to produce potash), sodium carbonate became known as "soda ash".

Types of Soda Ash

    Dense Soda Ash is a white, odorless, uniform product, free from dirt and other foreign matter. It is commercially produced synthetically, from salt (sodium chloride) and limestone by a method known as the Solvay process.
    Soda Ash Light is used in powdered, paste and soap detergents where it acts as a “builder” and can be used either alone or in conjunction with Sodium TripolyPohsphate (STPP) or zeolites.

Where is it used?

Soda ash has a number of diversified uses that touch our lives every day. Glass manufacturing is the largest application for soda ash whether it is in the production of containers, fiberglass insulation, or flat glass for the housing, commercial building, and automotive industries. Soda ash also is used to clean the air and soften water. As environmental concerns grow, demand increases for soda ash used in the removal of sulfur dioxide and hydrochloric acid from stack gases.

  • Industrial Chemical Use:
    Because it is highly soluble, sodium carbonate is used in many chemical reactions. It is used as raw material for the manufacture of fertilizers, synthetic detergents, and dyes and coloring agents. It is also used as a chemical agent in the petroleum and enameling industries.
  • Detergent Production:
    Sodium carbonate is replacing the phosphates previously used in many household detergents. Many common cleaning products include varying amounts of soda ash as part of their formula.
  • Environmental Applications:
    Soda ash is used to treat and improve the alkalinity of lakes affected by acid rain. And, it acts to reduce the acid content of power plant emissions.
  • Glass Production:
    Sodium carbonate is an important component of glass, and is used to reduce the melting point of silica.
  • Metallurgy:
    Soda ash is used to de-calcify or remove sulfurs and phosphates from some ferrous and non-ferrous ores. It is used in the recycling of zinc and aluminum.

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